UndeadPinniped Sealion-sushi
Hi I have a weird aversion to pronouns
"that one" is fine if you must refer to me
This is an account focuses around gore art. If that's something that makes you upset or uncomfortable, I'd recommend not following me. Just block, mute, and move on. I don't mind and I understand completely.I also would prefer that minors (people under 18) do not follow this account. It just makes me uncomfortable.I will not at any point draw gore that involves self-harm or suicide, its just about the one gorey thing I don't draw. I do my best not to retweet it either, but sometimes it slips through.If you know me from my non-gore accounts, I'd just ask that you keep them as separate as I do (not linking my main twitter or other social medias)Not so much a BYF, but I do frequently delete non-art tweets that I make. I'm not super chatty on the tl but I promise I don't bite if you want to dm me about stuff.